Back Care Week - Occupational Health Talk
This week two of our Senior Chartered Physiotherapists Daniel Hernando MCSP SRP CMP and Physio Director Gary Bissel MCSP SRP visited Chester Zoo's to give multiple talks regarding the importance of back care within different roles of the Zoo.
The bespoke talk was written by Daniel Hernando and delivered to various members of the Zoo team from Admin to keepers to handy-persons and Horticulturists. The Talk involved discussing pprevention and rehab they can do themselves at home.
Team members were given hand outs and leaflets and also able to ask the Physio's questions at the end of each session
If you are interested in having one of our Physio's come into your work place to talk about any aspect of Physiotherapy / injury prevention and supporting the work place, please do not hesitate to call our team on 01244 350 550 and request to speak with either Deborah or Rachel for a quote or more information.