First Aid Training Here at ProPhysio / Denitstry with Integrity, Physiotherapists, administrative and Dental staff have undergone important in house CPR training. Thank you to Kristine (twitterhandle @kristine_dbg) for coming to the clinic. First Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTDFirst Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTDFirst Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTDFirst Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTD #firstaid #cpr #defib #lifesupport #resuscitation #defibrillator #dbg #dentistrywithintegrity #Prophysio #inhousetraining
Here at ProPhysio / Denitstry with Integrity, Physiotherapists, administrative and Dental staff have undergone important in house CPR training. Thank you to Kristine (twitterhandle @kristine_dbg) for coming to the clinic. First Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTDFirst Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTDFirst Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTDFirst Aid Training - PROPHYSIOUKLTD #firstaid #cpr #defib #lifesupport #resuscitation #defibrillator #dbg #dentistrywithintegrity #Prophysio #inhousetraining